Dissecting the October Lull: A Deer Hunter’s Dilemma

October Lull what is it. Focused image of ear of corn with blurred hunting blind in background

The moment autumn leaves start to hit the ground, deer hunters gear up for the much-anticipated hunting season. However, there’s a phase during this season that hunters often refer to with a mix of mystery and frustration – the October lull. Through the lens of experienced hunters and scientific evidence, we will explore what the […]

Where Do Bass Go In The Fall: Locating Premium Fishing Spots

where do bass go in the fall

As the leaves turn to shades of amber and the crisp breeze carries the scent of the approaching cold, bass too, commence their seasonal migration in preparation for the forthcoming winter. Understanding the movements and behavioral changes of bass during the fall is instrumental in pinpointing prime fishing spots during this transitional period. The main […]

Setting Up A Hunting Blind for Bow Hunting

hunting blind for bow hunting deer. Man with deer and bow resting on deer chest, hunting blind in background

Importance of a Well-Positioned Hunting Blind for Bow Hunting In the nuanced art of bow hunting, a well-positioned hunting blind serves as a hunter’s secret ally. The significance of its role is undeniably profound—it’s a silent partner in the hunter’s pursuit, a silent sentinel that veils the hunter in shadows, concealing them from the prying […]

How To Field Dress An Elk: Ensuring Quality from Hunt to Table

how to field dress an elk

Elk hunting is more than just the pursuit; it’s about ensuring that the meat is treated with the utmost respect, from the moment of the kill to when it reaches the table. An essential step in maintaining this quality is understanding how to field dress an elk, butcher it and store the meat properly. At […]

How to Find Elk: Reading Between Their Movements

how to find elk

Elk, or wapiti as they are sometimes known, are among the most majestic and elusive creatures of North America’s vast wilderness. The thrill of spotting an elk in its natural habitat is unparalleled. However, for those who wish to experience this, understanding their behavior is crucial. By observing their actions, one can predict their next […]

What Sound Does An Elk Make: Understanding Their Calls

what sound does an elk make - large rocky mountain elk making a call

Elk, majestic creatures of the wilderness, communicate with an array of sounds. Knowing these sounds is not merely an exercise for nature enthusiasts but is a pivotal skill for hunters. Recognizing what sound an elk makes can spell the difference between a fruitful hunt and a day of fruitless pursuit. The Iconic Elk Bugle: Not […]

Elk Rutting Season: When, Why, and How to Use It to Your Advantage

Elk rutting season

Understanding the Elk Rutting Season Elk rutting season is the specific time of the year when male elk, or bulls, engage in aggressive behaviors and vocal displays to establish dominance and secure mating opportunities with females, or cows. This spectacle, characterized by intense bugling calls and antler-clashing fights, is both an evolutionary marvel and an […]

Mental Health Benefits of Fishing and Well-Being

mental health benefits of fishing

The Serenity of Nature: A Natural Therapy The act of fishing propels one into the comforting arms of nature, providing a front-row seat to its unparalleled beauty and calm. The mental health benefits of fishing are beyond count. When you stand by the water, waiting for a catch, you can’t help but become absorbed by […]

Trail Camera Placement Tips: A Guide for Whitetail Deer Hunting Success

trail camera placement tips

Deer hunting, especially for the elusive whitetail, requires patience, persistence, and advanced strategy. One essential tool for tracking their movement and habits is the trail camera. However, just setting up a trail camera randomly in the woods won’t guarantee results. Proper placement is crucial. Below, we provide trail camera placement tips that will enhance your […]